Election campaign mailers; WI Assembly candidates worry about 'lies'
Concerning election campaign mailers
Your mailbox might be filling up with more mailers, and some candidates say some of what you are reading are *lies.*
MILWAUKEE - Your mailbox might be filling up with more mailers for the August 13 Wisconsin primary. Some Wisconsin legislative candidates say some of what you are reading are lies.
One mailer attacks Wisconsin Assembly candidate Phil Collins. No, not the singer. The mailer says Collins wants to ban beer. In the Aug. 13 Republican primary, Collins will face Benjamin Franklin.
"It says I want to ban alcohol, even though I never said that," Collins said.
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"You were the presidential candidate for the Prohibition Party, though, right?" asked FOX6's Jason Calvi of Collins' 2020 run for president.
"Right. But that party platform used to say they supported a national alcohol ban. They took that part out of the platform, I think about 20 years ago. That part was taken out of the platform before I joined that party," Collins replied.
Collins also took offense to the mailer's claim he is "opposing Trump." He said he plans to vote for the former president.

Genesis of the mailer
The mailer is from a group called "Stronger Wisconsin Fund." It registered with Wisconsin on July 12. The group spent more than $400,000 on the Republican primary. The group supported 15 candidates and opposed ten others, including $14,000 spent against Assembly candidate Lindee Brill.
"I’ve kind of come out as an outsider Republican, one whose vote won’t fall in line with what the party tells me to vote, but what the constituents of the 26th district tell me to vote, as well as the beliefs that guide my vote. I’m a Christian, mother and wife," Brill said.
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The ads against Brill claim if she had her way, "U.S. troops serving overseas could lose their right to vote."
"It saddened me deeply. I actually got choked up when I read it, because it was an attack on something that was so near and dear to me, to respect our military," Brill said.
The mailer cited a debate she joined, where she was asked if she supported same-day voting. She agreed. She did not state she wanted to end absentee voting for troops.
"What is your opinion about limiting voting to a one-day, in-person system, with hand counts for all ballots completed on election night. Yes, no or something in-between," the moderator asked.
"It sounds like something that should already be in place to me," Brill responded to the moderator.
"Common sense," the moderator said followed by her agreement.
Republicans targeted
Stronger Wisconsin Fund opposed these candidates in text messages, online ads, radio ads or campaign mailers:
- Elijah Behnke
- Darwin Behnke
- Janel Brandtjen
- Lindee Brill
- Phil Collins
- Nate Gustafson
- Timothy Ramthun
- Cory Sillars
- Lori Jean Voss
- Duane Wilson
Republicans supported
Stronger Wisconsin Fund supported these candidates for Wisconsin Assembly:
- David Armstrong
- Calvin Callahan
- Benjamin Franklin
- Chanz Green
- Brian Hilbelink
- Karen Hurd
- Brent Jacobson
- Joel Kitchens
- Dan Knodl
- Kevin Peterson
- James Piwowarczyk
- Peter Schmidt
- Michael Schraa
- David Steffen
- Robert Summerfield
To get to the bottom of who was behind the mailers, FOX6 News e-mailed, texted and called the people listed on the state registration – Rachel Licht and Attorney Matthew Fernholz. He has represented Republican legislative leaders, including Speaker Robin Vos.

The address is…
FOX6 News tried the business listed as the address for the organization. A worker at Pak Mail told us it was a virtual mailbox – and they do not want the group using the address anymore due to people calling to complain.
When FOX6 News got a call back from the group, the fund's spokesman, Chris Walker defended the group. "Stronger Wisconsin Fund supports conservative candidates in Wisconsin State Legislative races. The fund stands by the content of all its communication," he said.
While some of the targeted candidates linked the attacks with their criticisms of the Assembly Speaker or Republican legislative leadership, Walker says the fund is an independent organization, not affiliated with Speaker Vos. He also said lots of people were involved and supporting the mission.
A Facebook page for "Stronger Wisconsin," using the same address and phone number listed on the fund's registration papers, posted July 29: "Stronger Wisconsin supports our great Speaker Robin Vos, Majority Leader Tyler August, Rep. Keivn [sic] Petersen, Rep. Rob Summerfield, and all those that support leadership!"
The group does not have to reveal its donors. It is what some would call a "dark money" group – leaving lots of questions for the conservative candidates targeted.
Both Democrats and Republicans have used these groups to launch attacks against candidates.