Early voting strong in Wisconsin's most Democratic counties

MADISON — About 30 percent of all absentee ballots cast in Wisconsin so far have come from the state's most heavily Democratic counties.

The latest data posted on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website shows ballots cast in Milwaukee and Dane counties are far outpacing those that have come from the conservative suburban counties of Washington, Waukesha and Ozaukee.

As of Wednesday, there were just over 55,000 ballots returned in Dane and Milwaukee counties compared with about 21,700 in the co-called WOW counties. About 183,700 were cast statewide.

Republican candidates typically must do well in those Milwaukee suburban counties to counter the Democratic votes in Milwaukee and Madison.

Absentee ballots must be returned by Nov. 8, a change from the past when they could be postmarked by Election Day if received by that Friday.