Desatar Ministry warming shelter to remain open Wed. night

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- FOX6 News has learned that a warming shelter established at Desatar Ministry will be open for another night -- staying open Wednesday night, January 8th.

The warming shelter has been set up at Desatar Ministry Christian Church located at 1170 W. Windlake Ave. in Milwaukee.

The facility will remain open until 8:00 p.m. Thursday, January 9th.

The warming shelter has been helping folks escape the bitter cold all week.

“You can’t put a price on helping someone’s lives,” said the church’s pastor Luis Vergara said.

“We are saving lives and we’ve actually experienced individuals that would have lost their life had they not been dropped off here,” co-pastor Francisca Vergara said.

Church officials have created a platform for volunteers to help those in need during this most recent cold snap, and the help has been pouring in.

“Groups of volunteers are coming here from church groups and professional organizations, and they’re going to pool together to create a nice, safe, dignified place for folks to stay for a couple days,” said Chad Stiles a volunteer.

It’s been a community effort. The Milwaukee Police Department has been bringing people in need of shelter by, and the local hospitals have been sending people over in need of a warm place to stay. Some people are looking for a warm place to sleep, others a good meal, and still others are hoping for something warm to wear.

“I need some gloves and coats and things to keep me warm,” said Clayton Mosley from Milwaukee.

On Tuesday evening, a man stopped by to pick up donated clothing for his niece and nephews — including a birthday gift.

“I figured I’d come down here and find them a coat or something because I can’t afford it. Times are tough,” the man, named Gabriel told FOX6 News.

Ever since the church opened their doors, donations have been coming in. People have been coming by with bags of items, but they say they still need things, especially blankets. Another thing they need is socks. Volunteers say people have come in with wet socks, which is extremely dangerous in such low temperatures.

“It truly blesses my heart to see how our city, our community members open up their hearts to those who are in need,” said Pastor Luis Vergara.

Anyone is welcome.