Contact 6 revisits three stories from past few years
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Every month, hundreds of FOX6 viewers have consumer complaints and come to Contact 6 for help -- and in this case, Contact 6 is back at it -- following up on three stories the team has covered over the past couple of years.
Contact 6 paid a visit to Jim Hamberg with Black Dog Studios in September of 2013 after receiving complaints from FOX6 viewers.
Melissa Moberg had to hire another photographer to take her wedding shots, because she says Hamberg never showed up to take their engagement photos.
Moberg wanted her $1,000 deposit back. Contact 6 sent Hamberg a letter, and he sent her $500. When he didn't respond to Contact 6's follow up emails and calls -- Contact 6 met up with him to talk about the missing cash.
"I'll send the other half when I have it. I assured her she would get her money back and I plan on doing that for her," Hamberg said.
Moberg says she hasn't seen the second $500 she's owed.
Contact 6 emailed Hamberg about it -- and he now says he will not be refunding the other $500 -- saying he didn't like Contact 6's original story.
However, Contact 6's original story brought in three other viewers saying Black Dog Studios didn't deliver for them either.
Then, there's the NU-2-U appliance store, which sells used appliances.
Contact 6 has received seven complaints on the company since the story first aired in September of 2012, from people like Cleopatra Jones who just wanted a working refrigerator.
"I said 'what are you going to do about this?' He said 'well this will be your fifth refrigerator!' I said 'okay!'" Jones said.
Since then, owner Jim Ramsey says he has responded to all seven of those complaints -- and through email, he says all items are inspected by him and because of Contact 6's story, he now personally handles all issues with refrigerators.
Then, there's Brian Pawlak -- featured as one of Contact 6's most troubled contractors back in 2012.
He seemed to disappear after closing "Insured Roofing and Remodeling."
It has three consumer protection complaints and a $60,000 judgement against him.
Contact 6 has learned he's back, with a new company called Good Hands Remodeling -- but there's nothing good about the F-rating with the BBB and another theft by contractor charge against him for allegedly not paying back one of his customers for an incomplete job.
Over the phone, Pawlak says it's time to consider other kinds of work.
"I want to give them their money back and just be done with this and just get a regular job and just not do this no more because the rewards can be good but it's just not meant for me," Pawlak said.
All these stories show why you need to check out a company before you do business with them.
It's easy to go on the Better Business Bureau's website to see a company's report -- or check out an individual on Wisconsin Circuit Court Access -- or CCAP.