Contact 6: Man attempts to swindle employer, attorney
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- An email threat sent to an attorney came from a man who had attempted to swindle his employer.
The scheme began with a letter the con man sent to media outlets.
"He actually drafted a letter on his employer`s letterhead making it look like the employer had written the letter about the individual being a sex offender," U.S. Postal Inspector John Jackman said.
To be specific: recruiting and trafficking young women for erotic services.
The con artist then filed a defamation suit against his employer.
"He`s trying to get money, trying to get a quick buck like he did in the past," Jackman said.
An attorney was brought in to fight the suit, and received an email threat with photos attached.
"A couple were horrifying; pictures of my children with rifle cross hairs superimposed on their heads. The purpose was to frighten me into being less vigorous in that particular case," the attorney said.
Postal inspectors worked the case and arrested the man responsible.
Postal inspectors say folks should check someone out thoroughly before hiring them, and say if anyone is threatened, it should be reported immediately.
The suspect in this case pleaded guilty and was sentenced to more than four years behind bars and three years of supervised detention.