Contact 6: Big beauty product sale could have resulted in loss of thousands

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A big beauty product sale made a salesperson suspicious, and it's a good thing instinct took over! FOX6's Contact 6 explains this could have been a $1,000 mistake!

"The person said they worked for a large company and that they were planning a wedding," Millie Muentes said.

Muentes is a stay-at-home mom, as well as an independent salesperson with a beauty company. The potential customer who contacted her by email was interested in buying a large amount of products as souvenirs for a wedding -- $1,000 worth of beauty products.

The client emailed Muentes credit card information with a name and billing address, but Muentes was suspicious so she contacted postal inspectors, who checked out the address.

"It was a freight warehouse and that freight warehouse had a foreign address where these items were going to be mailed to," U.S. Postal Inspector Blanca Alvarez said.

The credit card had been stolen. In other words, this was a scam.

"I was really disappointed," Muentes said.

FOX6's Contact 6 says do some research before doing business with a person or company you've never met before. If Muentes had fallen for this, she could have lost hundreds of dollars.

"Don't trust anyone you've met online," Alvarez said.