Companies vying to buy, reopen Golden Guernsey plant
WAUKESHA (WITI) -- Recent court documents show at least one dairy company wants to buy and reopen the Golden Guernsey plant in Waukesha.
The dairy facility was unexpectedly shut down in January, leaving more than 100 employees without a job.
Friday, May 10th, was the deadline for anyone interested in buying the now bankrupt Golden Guernsey to let the court know. Recent filings are pointing to signs that the dairy may reopen again in the near future.
The parent company of Superior Dairy, an Ohio company who provides milk to large retailers such as Costco, has already made an offer of $5.5 million. They have given more than $500,000 as a down payment.
An auction will be held Tuesday, May 14th, in New Jersey giving other interested companies a chance to top the current offer. The winner of the auction is expected to buy the dairy by early June.
However, millions of dollars are still owed to former clients of Golden Guernsey and the bank. Without a plan to get paid, this could stop the court from finalizing a sale.