Cleveland diner creates "The Ramsey Burger"
CLEVELAND (CNN) -- He's become a national hero after helping Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight escape from a local home.
Now, the newest accolade for Charles Ramsey, 43, is in the form of a hamburger.
It's called The Ramsey Burger, and is being offered at Hodge's Cleveland on Euclid Avenue, where Ramsey works as a dishwasher.
The burger is an 8 ounce cab, featuring secret sauce, lettuce, cheddar cheese, bread and butter pickles on a toasted sesame seed bun for $12.
"He did a great act and a selfless act and it's pretty much an inspiration to all Clevelanders that we should all probably behave a little bit like Charles when we have the chance," said Anthony Taylor of Vermilion who ordered the burger Monday afternoon.
Ramsey was off from work last Monday, when he helped the three women from his neighbor's home on Seymour Avenue.
Hodge's Cleveland is also selling t-shirts on its website calling Ramsey a hero.
The burgers are available only for a limited time: today through May 19.
"It's delicious; very good very good," said Melissa Rush of Lakewood.
When asked what she thought about the man behind the burger, Charles Ramsey, "Oh, I'm obsessed. I've been following it. I think the guy is great. I'm really proud to know that he's from Cleveland."