Boys halt basketball game to kneel as funeral procession passes; touching photo lights up social media
FRANKLINGTON, La. - A photo of a group of teens playing basketball is going viral - not because of the game, but of what they did as a funeral procession passed by.
It stopped sisters Johannah Stroud and Lynn Bickham Bienvenu in their tracks. It was a procession for their cousin, Velma Kay Crowe, WAFB reports.
The group of kids put down their basketball and took a knee as the procession passed by. They hurried to take a photo.
"It was really impressive," said Stroud. "It meant a lot."
Bienvenu shared the photo on Facebook, and it's now been shared hundreds of times.
In the post, she wrote:
While attending a family funeral the procession passed a group of young boys shooting hoops. Take a look closely. They took a knee not out of disrespect but honor. They was not an adult insight to tell them to stop playing. This meant a great deal to our family. May God bless each one as I feel they will achieve greatness.
The comments have been endless, with thousands embracing the positivity and pouring out a stream of kind words for the boys in the photo.
"People are hungry to see good things and encouraging things," Stroud said.
As for the young men, they've since reached out to family to express condolences for their loss and let them know it was their basketball coach who taught them the importance of taking a knee as a sign of respect.
"We don't have to do great acts to show kindness, something simple as that or opening a door or being kind to someone, or respectful but it means a lot," said Stroud.
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