Block Build MKE: Volunteers give face-lift to Clarke Square neighborhood
Block Build MKE
MILWAUKEE -- Twenty homes, one neighborhood and just two days. That's the challenge a group of volunteers working alongside Revitalize Milwaukee took on Friday, May 19th -- fixing up an area just south of 27th and National.
"Outside, the landscaping needed a lot of help, and the inside I wanted to make some changes and I certainly couldn't afford to do it myself," said Dora Baca, homeowner.
Dora Baca
Dora Baca has lived in the Clarke Square neighborhood for decades.
"I take pride in my home. I've lived here for, it's going to be 46 years living in my home," said Baca.
Friday morning nearly 100 volunteers came to the neighborhood as part of Revitalize Milwaukee. Their goal is simple: improve the lives of those who live here.
Block Build MKE
Lynnea Katz-Petted
"We want to make sure that doors lock, we want to make sure there's no heat loss, we want to make sure that there's a way to safely access the home," said Lynnea Katz-Petted, Revitalize Milwaukee.
Painting, landscaping, making sure homes are up to code, is all being done free of charge to the homeowners. Cory Slotterback, with a crew from Sherwin-Williams, is painting Baca's fence.
Block Build MKE
"Been doing it for a couple blocks here and making some major improvements to the exterior and I think people are going to appreciate it," said Slotterback.
Block Build MKE
A crew of about 20 people from Sherwin-Williams spent most of Friday morning painting outside and inside Baca's home.
Cory Slotterback
"We decided to donate all the paint for the couple blocks here and we're going to do as much as we can today and more volunteers out here tomorrow doing more painting," Slotterback said.
Baca took a moment in her living room to show her appreciation.
"I don't know how to thank these people. God has been so good to me, and literally I just want to thank from the bottom of my heart all of you," said Baca.
Block Build MKE
Friday was the first day of a two-day work shift for crews with Revitalize Milwaukee. Saturday they'll be out all day, rain or shine, finishing up what Friday's crews started.