At Rep. Party Convention, GOP lawmakers talk shift in strategy
WAUSAU (WITI) -- Sunday, May 5th was the last day of the state Republican Party's convention in Wausau.
On Saturday, state lawmakers talked about a possible shift in campaign strategies.
The GOP says it needs to find a way to capitalize on state office success to have similar results on a national level.
Many are still focused on Governor Walker's recall victory. But state Democrats say since then, voters in Wisconsin have started to shift the red tide back to blue.
"We are in the minority, and they treat us like we are red, but when you look at it, in the Assembly or in the presidential, 200,000 more voted for Democrats in the November election," Sen. Dave Hansen (D - Green Bay) said.
"I think that the Republican Party of Wisconsin nationally has shown how Republicans are to conduct themselves. Tell people who you are and what you believe when you're running for office and then do it," Rep. Paul Ryan (R - Janesville) said.
Delegates say this year's Republican convention is one of the larger, non-election year gatherings for the party in recent memory.
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin will hold its state convention next month. The event is scheduled for June 7th and 8th in Oconomowoc.
The Democrats' agenda includes building the party and hearing from speakers. The gathering will be held at the Olympia Resort and Conference Center.