Army dad returns home from deployment, surprises daughters at Big Bend school

BIG BEND -- After nearly a year-long deployment in Kuwait, an Army sergeant is finally back home. It was a Halloween-inspired surprise for Sergeant First Class Jason Middleton's family in Big Bend on Wednesday, Oct. 31.
On Halloween, all the students at Big Bend Elementary wear their favorite costumes.
"This happens every year. We do the parade around the school so everyone can showcase what they dressed up as for Halloween," said Nikki Zimmerman, school employee.

Jason Middleton
Sergeant First Class Jason Middleton figured he should, too. He just returned home from a 10-month deployment in Kuwait.
"Each time I'm gone, it's multiplied by five because I have five daughters," said Middleton.
Two of his daughters, Amelia and Josie, were in for a big surprise on Wednesday.

"It's so awesome. Our students are going to love it. Our staff couldn't sleep last night. It's exciting for all of us," said Shawn Waller, principal of Big Bend Elementary School.
The "trick" was simple: During the school's annual parade of costumes, Amelia and Josie's homeroom's were selected to join mascot, "Buddy Bulldog," on stage for a picture.

The treat? Their dad was in the mascot costume!
"At first they looked a little confused and that was adorable. It is great to have him home," said Allison Middleton, Sgt. Middleton's wife.
Home for awhile, Sgt. Middleton doesn't expect to be deployed again anytime soon.

Jason Middleton