"Another way for us to give back:" 7-year-old boy hosts lemonade stand to benefit Make-A-Wish kids
WAUKESHA -- A Waukesha Make-A-Wish kid decides to spend his own birthday helping other Make-A-Wish kids! The young boy's good deed all starts with a lemonade stand.
7-year-old Kaifer Sam asked to have a lemonade stand instead of a birthday party to help other kids in the Make-A-Wish program.

Kaifer Sam courtesy: Katie Sam
Kaifer put the stand up outside his home, and it was such a success, they had to close early because they ran out of lemonade.
"We raised over $400. I thought it was a great idea -- another way for us to give back. We were helped so much by Make-A-Wish and it's just a small way we can make someone's wish," said Kaifer.
The grand total for Kaifer's lemonade stand: $450. They even got a special visit from the Waukesha Fire Department, hoping to buy some lemonade.