Alderman proposes changes to free parking day schedule
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Alderman Robert Bauman is sponsoring a measure that would expand the list of free city parking days to include any day designated as a paid holiday day off for city employees.
Current city code suspends parking time limits for seven calendar days, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day (July 4th).
Bauman's ordinance proposes adding a minimum of four days, including Good Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, the last weekday before Christmas, and the last weekday before New Year's Day. In addition, the suspension of parking time limits would be extended to additional days whenever New Year's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day fall on a weekend.
Bauman says city employee holidays mean most non-essential city services are suspended. "If we can suspend city services, we can lift usual weekday daytime parking restrictions and requirements. If we can make reasonable changes to our code to engender some goodwill and ease up on parking restrictions so residents and city employees can enjoy their holiday time off, I think we should pursue those changes," Bauman said.
If the ordinance is approved, the city will save parking enforcement staff costs, but will lose potential parking meter or parking citation revenue for those additional free parking days.
The Public Safety Committee is expected to take up this issue Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
Click here for Milwaukee Department of Public Works parking information.