7 Disney princesses: Dogs seized from hoarding situation in Wisconsin Rapids up for adoption!
BROOKFIELD -- Seven of the 70+ dogs seized from a home in Wisconsin Rapids on April 12th are now available for adoption at Elmbrook Humane Society in Brookfield!
The seven Disney princesses you see pictured below were made available for adoption as of 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 20th.
Officials with the Elmbrook Humane Society had this to say about these precious pups:
"These lovely ladies have had a tough start to life, but just like their Disney namesakes, they are beautiful, strong, and will persevere. They have received behavior assessments and medical care from our staff. Now all they need are loving homes. Please note that while they are adorable, these dogs are very shy, some much more so than others. They are still getting used to interacting with humans. Some will need to go to homes with another dog and all of them will need plenty of love and patience as they adjust to their new homes."
CLICK HERE to learn more about these dogs, and the other animals available for adoption at the Elmbrook Humane Society.
Meanwhile, officials with the Wisconsin Humane Society on Wednesday, April 19th offered an update on Poppy -- one of 31 dogs taken in by WHS after the 70+ dogs were rescued in Wisconsin Rapids.
Poppy was adopted on Saturday, April 15th -- and she seems to be loving her new life with her new family!
Officials with the "South Wood County Humane Society" in Wisconsin Rapids said in a news release the 74 dogs were rescued on April 12th after officials received an anonymous tip about unsanitary living conditions and lack of dog food -- and requested assistance. The owner voluntarily surrendered the dogs, which were removed from several buildings on the property.
Of the 74 dogs, 40 were transported to the Milwaukee area, with WHS taking in 31, and Elmbrook taking in 10.