"6 o'clock is too early for anything to be closed:" Sherman Park residents want normal hours reinstated
MILWAUKEE -- Buildings have been boarded up and the debris has been removed from the torched gas station at Sherman and Burleigh, but there are still signs of the violent unrest that unfolded in the wake of the fatal officer-involved shooting of Sylville Smith that happened on August 13th.

Sherman Park
On Tuesday, August 23rd, the orange fence put up by authorities still wrapped around Sherman Park. Officials continue to close the park at 6:00 p.m., despite the fact that the citywide curfew put into place by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, requiring that anyone under the age of 18 be off the streets by 10:00 p.m. was lifted on Monday.
Some living in the Sherman Park neighborhood told FOX6 News they'd like to see normal park hours restored -- including Gwendolyn Murphy. She said she feels the early closing of Sherman Park is doing more harm than good.

Sherman Park
"I think it's bad for the little kids,"said Murphy.
Ever since violent unrest surrounded Sherman Park after the fatal shooting of Sylville Smith by a Milwaukee police officer near 44th and Auer on August 13, the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office ordered the park to be closed to the public at 6:00 p.m. and reopened at 6:00 a.m.
"I think 6 o' clock is a little too early for anything to be closed," offered Murphy. "I think maybe they should give it another shot."
"I like coming to the park because there are a lot of jungle gyms here," said Ciana Rouse. "I feel said because it's really fun here."
Josephine Boggan said she enjoys coming to the park for some leisure time that's within walking distance.
"You used to be able to come and sit out and get a cool breeze. The kids could play on the swings and go down the slides. You are not able to do that now," said Boggan.

Sherman Park
Boggan said while she was disappointed by the decision to shut the park down at 6:00 p.m., she understands and hopes families use that time constructively.
"I think it's a good thing because, it's getting kids and parents time time to spend with their kids and let them understand unrest that's been going on here," explained Boggan.

Officers at Sherman Park
Throughout the day on Tuesday, August 23rd, deputies were visible at the park, but residents said they hope their presence will not always be needed.
"I'm hoping that Milwaukee can come together for the sake of peace and everybody comes in harmony on one accord," said Boggan.
Officials with the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office told FOX6 that the early closure of Sherman Park will remain until further notice.
On the other side, city officials said the 10:00 p.m. curfew for minors is no longer in effect, and they want the park's normal hours to resume as well.