Milwaukee Riverkeeper spring cleanup, estimated 100K pounds of trash

The Milwaukee Riverkeeper spring cleanup had thousands of people out and about Saturday, April 23 cleaning up along the Milwaukee River.

It takes a village to keep a city clean. Over 4,000 volunteers did just that during Saturday's team effort.

"We estimate we will pull out over 100,000 pounds of trash in just one day," said Jennifer Bolger Breceda, Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s executive director.

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"It feels good to be a part of something that we’re all trying to contribute to," said Shirley Aspinall.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper hosts a major Earth Day cleanup event every year, and most volunteers always coming back.

"We try to do it every year, it’s a great way to help the community," said Amy Ragoschke.

Some volunteers got into the water to make sure the river is clean inside and out. It’s a collective effort that could lead to a healthier community.

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"When you step outside you don’t want to see garbage and pollution. That doesn’t help you mentally. Caring about your environment is caring about your mental health," said Aspinall.

The Milwaukee Riverkeeper hosts cleanup events all year round. For info on how to get involved, visit their website.