20-year-old Georgia man facing charges, accused of tattooing 13-year-old boy without a permit
CLAYTON COUNTY, Georgia (WITI) -- A Georgia man is facing charges after police say he tattooed a 13-year-old boy without a permit.
Police in Clayton County, Georgia say it is against the law to tattoo anyone under 18 without the authorization of a physician. But police say 20-year-old Darius Hunter tattooed a 13-year-old, and they say he didn't even have a permit to tattoo anyone.
Hunter placed ads on social media to promote his tattooing services -- but what got him arrested was pictures on social media showing him tattooing a 13-year-old boy.
"Clayton County officers responded to an anonymous tip in reference to a minor being tattooed," Charlene Watson Fraser with the Clayton County Police Department said.
Officers say that tip led them to a home where they say the 13-year-old was tattooed on his chest.
Police arrested Hunter and charged him with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and tattooing.
"You tattooed the minor by placing a tattoo marking on the chest of said minor without the consent of the parents," Judge Beatriz Scott said.
Officials say Hunter had no business license, and no permit from health officials. They say not having a permit really puts minors and anyone else having tattoos done in danger.
"You never know if they're using sterile equipment because they could be transferring all kinds of diseases through unsterile equipment," Fraser said.