Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin holds telethon phone bank
MILWAUKEE -- January is National Blood Donor Month -- a time to recognize those who give their blood and a time to remind you about the importance of blood donations. Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin is relying on the community on Tuesday, January 7 to give back in this time of need. Brian Kramp spent the morning helping to advance that mission.
About Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin’s telethon phone bank (website)
Because giving warms the heart, Milwaukee-area leaders are coming together for a January 7 telethon to encourage blood donation during Blood Donor Month.
These community leaders are asking you to call Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin’s telethon phone bank that day and pledge 3 appointments to help meet a goal of 1000 appointments.
Versiti relies on the generosity of the community to advance its mission and ensure area hospitals have the blood products they need to save lives. January is a very difficult month for blood donations due to extreme winter weather and seasonal illnesses, but the need is still there each and every day for patients. There is no substitute for human blood. It is precious. It is perishable. And the need for it is vital.
Less than 38% of the US population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 3% give. If every blood donor would commit to even 1 additional donation a year, we could supply our hospital partners with all necessary blood they need to serve their patients each year.
Take the pledge to give just blood 1-3 more times this year; and together, let’s make 2020 the Year of Hope for Wisconsin hospital patients in need.
If you’re ready to make the pledge, make your appointments to donate now!