How much money it takes to be 'rich' in America for 2024

A recent study utilizing IRS data reveals that the income required to be considered "rich" varies widely across the U.S., reflecting regional differences in cost of living, local economies, and tax structures.

How to save money on home insurance

The cost of home insurance, like many other things, is rising. FOX6's Jenna Sachs looks at ways to help you save money when insuring your home.

These salaried workers are now eligible for overtime pay

The Biden administration's new rule significantly expands overtime pay eligibility to millions of salaried workers in the U.S., setting higher income thresholds and updating salary limits every three years.

Which bank app is best for you?

Many aspects of our day-to-day lives have moved to a smartphone app, and banking is no exception. Jenna Sachs looks at which banking apps are right for you, and what to look out for.