Wisconsin Professional Police Assoc. unveils police reform initiative

The Wisconsin Professional Police Association (WPPA) introduced on Wednesday, Sept. 2 what it calls a comprehensive police reform initiative. It is entitled, "A Blueprint for Change: Opportunities to Evolve Policing in Wisconsin."

A news release says the initiative "will require collaboration, understanding, bipartisanship, community involvement and, above all, action."

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The "blueprint" states in the introduction:

"Since the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, and other high-profile cases around the country, the topic of police reform has been elevated to the forefront of the American consciousness like never before. Following the August 23 shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, the national reckoning over policing has become even more intense and polarizing. As a result, there has there been very little progress made relative to the proposals that have been offered at nearly every level of government, and our collective ability to engage in a reasonable discourse on these issues appears severely impaired. This dynamic is detrimental to everyone – including police officers."

Jim Palmer, executive director of WPPA issued the following statement in a news release: 

"We must come together, listen and act on reforming how we maintain a civilized
society that is both caring and safe. This ‘Blueprint’ is only a starting point for an earnest statewide outreach effort that we hope fosters a collaborative spirit and, ultimately, meaningful change."

This is a developing story.

President Trump, AG Barr announce $41M 'to address a surge in violence in Wisconsin'

According to a news release from the U.S. DOJ, awards will support community-based crime-fighting initiatives, local victim service programs and the hiring and training of law enforcement officers and prosecutors.