'The time and days we're living in:' Report of shots fired sends police to Kiel HS, no evidence of gunman
KIEL, Wis. -- There was a heavy police presence at Kiel High School in Kiel, Wisconsin Friday morning, March 23 following reports of shots fired outside the school. Police say all students and staff are safe -- and there is no evidence of a gunman at this time.
A female staff member, who was inside the school, called 911 after she thought she heard gunshots around 6:45 a.m. Police say she knows what shots sound like since she's an experienced hunter.
"Immediately, we had three uniformed police on scene within a minute of that call being placed," said Kiel Police Chief Dave Funkhouser.
Police were close by. That's because on Tuesday, March 20, there were rumored threats that there would be a shooting Friday. Law enforcement was near as precaution, but they did not find the rumors credible.

Police evacuated several staff members and some people who were in the pool area. Students were not yet there and buses were diverted to another neighboring school so parents could pick up the kids.
School was canceled as police went classroom to classroom and searched the outside area. No gunman was found.
"This morning when I got out of bed my brother is like, 'did you see the news?'" said Nicolas Hanson, Kiel student.
"I mean you never know look at all the other schools no one expects it to happen," said Coulton Meyer, Kiel student.
Some nearby schools shut down as well.
"This is the time and days we're living in people," said Chief Funkhouser. "Why take a chance? I would support any type of lockdown if you hear of that in a surrounding community or area. Why take a chance?"
The Kiel Police Department, the Wisconsin State Patrol, the Calumet County Sheriff's Office and the Cleveland Police Department responded to the scene. About 20 people were escorted from the building.

No gunman or evidence of a gun was discovered.
The superintendent says, he expects that there will be school on Monday. No after school activities Friday. Police stress that everything went perfectly and they are glad nothing was found.
Parents with questions or concerns are urged to call 920-894-2909, extension 220.
On Wednesday, March 21, the Kiel Police Department released the following statement:
No one that we have interviewed has been able to provide any credible information to validate a threat made to Kiel High School. We are asking people to please refrain from posting or sharing information, especially on social media that is not supported by factual information. We are well aware that there are a lot of students who are sharing information that when investigated have not proven to be reliable at all. Most of the information being shared by people that we are aware of are sharing rumors they have heard. If anyone has direct knowledge of information related to this incident, we ask that you please report it to our PD as soon as possible.
Thank you. Chief Dave

Kiel High School