$1.5 million in unclaimed funds returned in Milwaukee County

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee County Treasurer Dan Diliberti says his office is returning a record amount of unclaimed funds to the rightful owners this year. The Treasurer's Office has returned nearly $1.5 million in unclaimed funds to their owners.

County Unclaimed Funds include unclaimed local government contract payments, police and Sheriff Departments’ refunds, uncashed local government service checks, payments resulting from Court proceedings, etc.

The County Treasurer’s Office has unclaimed funds inventories and application forms online via the County Treasurer’s web site.

“This office has taken its role in returning unclaimed funds to their rightful owners seriously. We are increasing our efforts within county government and with local municipalities to locate the owners of these funds and process verifiable claims," Diliberti said in a statement.

CLICK HERE to access the Milwaukee County Treasurer's Office unclaimed funds info. on the web.