Eat, play and celebrate all things Italian at Henry Maier Festival Park
MILWAUKEE -- This weekend everyone is Italian! Laura hangs at Henry Maier Festival Park to preview Festa Italiana.
From its modest beginnings in 1978, Festa Italiana has grown into the largest Italian event of its kind in America today. As the first ethnic festival in Milwaukee, Festa Italiana originated as a way to bring together an Italian community torn apart by urban renewal projects. Taking place in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward, the first Festa Italiana served as a way to reunite the many Italians who longed for the wonderful street festivals that took place in the Third Ward during the summertime.
Click here for more information.
Laura learns about fun activities you can enjoy at Festa Italiana
Laura learns about fun activities you can enjoy at Festa Italiana
Laura learns all about the flag throwers as she previews Festa Italiana
Laura learns all about the flag throwers as she previews Festa Italiana