Decoration downers: 6 things in your house that could be bumming you out

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Decoration downers: 6 things in your house that could be bumming you out

Decoration downers: 6 things in your house that could be bumming you out

MILWAUKEE -- Does walking into your home make you happy? Or does your home decor bring you down? It might be time to take a second look at the stuff you have in your space. Clutter coach Kathi Miller joins Real Milwaukee with six things in your house that could be impacting your mood.

1. Family heirlooms. We often hang onto things because we feel guilty about giving them away. Let them go and make space for things you actually like.

2. Childhood momentos: Hanging onto too many things can be an emotional drag.

3. Old books: Only keep the ones you love.

4. Supplies for a hobby you never really to into

5. Broken items

6. Old collections