Some neighbors in Oak Creek not happy about plan to bring in FedEx terminal: "Prevent this last vote"

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Some neighbors in Oak Creek not happy about plan to bring in FedEx terminal

Some neighbors in Oak Creek not happy about plan to bring in FedEx terminal

OAK CREEK -- It may already be a done deal, but a group of neighbors is hoping to deny FedEx the opportunity to build a truck terminal on land in Oak Creek. Those against the project have cited health and safety concerns, but the upside would be new jobs in the area.

Standing outside City Hall in Oak Creek Sunday, March 5th, neighbors said they're running out of time.

"It will be in the midst of several subdivisions," Eleni Domanos said.

They're trying to prevent FedEx from building a truck terminal in an empty field across from their homes on Oakwood Road.

"We're here because we don't want this terminal in our area. We feel it poses great health hazards, safety hazards," Domanos said.

Domanos said she's hesitant of the added truck traffic, noise and light pollution the terminal would create.

"Prevent this last vote from going through," Maureen Willms said.

Willms said she's most concerned by exhaust pollution emitted by the fleet of trucks coming in and out of the facility every day.

"It's extremely frustrating to know that they are going to be putting in a large diesel-based facility that is cranking out toxins that will greatly impact all of us," Willms said.

Oak Creek Alderman Mark Verhalen said the original proposal was voted down by the Oak Creek Plan Commission, but said with additional restrictions, the terminal is worthwhile. He said the Plan Commission has laid out stipulations the FedEx terminal must abide by, including added stipulations to reduce idling, noise and light pollution.

"I look at the flip side of it with the type of jobs they are going to provide -- just about all the things, whether it's driving trucks, working in the maintenance building, working in the office," Verhalen said.

Verhalen said FedEx will put up the money to pay for additional infrastructure costs.

"Finish the last paving on the road. Put in an extra sewer. Put in the extra water, and from my understanding, they've agreed to put in a traffic signal on Oakwood Road," Verhalen said.

But neighbors said the only outcome they're looking for is for this plan to be rejected altogether.

If the Oak Creek Common Council approves additional safety restrictions on Tuesday, March 7th, the project moves forward. The Oak Creek Common Council meets at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting at City Hall is open to the public.