Semi trailer to share story of missing Barron teen, Jayme Closs, across the country

BARRON COUNTY -- A tractor trailer will be traveling roads across the country -- and getting the message out about missing teenager, Jayme Closs.

Credit: Barron County Sheriff's Department

The Barron County Sheriff's Department Facebook page posted a picture of the trailer on Friday, Jan. 4. The caption to the post reads as follows:

Jayme Closs

Closs has been missing since Oct. 15, when her parents, James and Denise Closs, were found murdered in their Barron, Wisconsin home.

A $50,000 reward has been offered for information on Jayme Closs' whereabouts. If you have information that can help find Jayme Closs, contact the tip line at 1-855-744-3879.  Officials have also added an email address, which will accept any photos or videos related to possible sightings.