Man writes open letter to woman reporting 'creepy guy' in park

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- A man was stopped by police after taking a walk in the park with his camera last month. A neighbor spotted David Updike taking photographs and feared that he was taking pictures of children. She took his picture and reported a "creepy guy" to police.

Six police officers cornered Updike on the sidewalk near his home where he was questioned for 20 minutes. Updike was very upset by the anonymous neighbor's behaviour. He did not do anything wrong. The entire situation could have been avoided if the woman had simply introduced herself.

Updike wrote this open letter about the incident to the Cambridge Chronicle. It it called, "To the woman in Dana Park who called the police on Sept. 23 around 5:30 p.m.”

David Updike is the son of the well known novelist, poet and short-story writer John Updike. He is also a Harvard educated writer, photographer and teacher. David commented about the letter on the Chronicle's Facebook page: