LEGO kit could bring to life Milwaukee Art Museum's Calatrava design

MILWAUKEE -- One of Milwaukee's most iconic buildings may soon come to life in LEGO form.

Artist Vida András has created an intricate LEGO design representing Santiago Calatrava's Milwaukee Art Museum pavilion.

Similar to the museum's design by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, the wings of the LEGO model appear to move up and down.

The LEGO Architecture series has given adults a chance to get back to their childhood and their love of LEGOs. The sets depict real-life landmarks like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Great Wall of China and the Statue of Liberty.

LEGO design artist, András, says he was fascinated by the "architectural language" the Calatrava uses.

Read the full description from the artist below:

While only a design, András hopes to bring it to life.

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