Latest: New Berlin West teacher fired, accused of inappropriate relationship with student

NEW BERLIN -- Officials with the School District of New Berlin say a New Berlin West High School teacher has been fired following an investigation into an allegation the teacher had an inappropriate relationship with a student.

School district officials say New Berlin West administrators learned of the allegation on January 15th.

The 28-year-old teacher was immediately placed on administrative leave.

An internal investigation by the School District of New Berlin has now concluded, and the teacher has been fired.

New Berlin police continue their investigation into this allegation.

Earlier this week, police told FOX6 News the case was expected to be handed over to the District Attorney's Office by week's end.

This teacher has not yet been officially charged.

In a statement, school district officials said:

Last week, school district officials released a statement addressing speculation about a number of personnel adjustments, saying none of them are related: