FOX6 spotlights rusted, corroded railroad bridge and now, repairs are underway: "It's wonderful"

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FOX6 spotlights rusted, corroded railroad bridge and now, repairs underway: “It`s wonderful”

FOX6 spotlights rusted, corroded railroad bridge and now, repairs underway: "It`s wonderful"

MILWAUKEE -- Six months after a FOX6 investigation began, comes a concrete solution. Crews have begun fixing the rusted railroad bridge FOX6's Brad Hicks exposed problems with back in May. It's a bridge the railroad company has insisted is perfectly safe.

At 10:10 a.m. Monday, November 16th, the first oil train of the week rumbled across the S. 1st Street bridge in Milwaukee.

Canadian Pacific oil train rolls through Milwaukee across S. 1st Street bridge

The mile-long Canadian Pacific train was pulling millions of gallons of highly explosive Bakken crude oil -- coming within feet of loft apartments in Milwaukee's Fifth Ward.

Beneath the bridge, traffic on S. 1st Street was funneled down to one lane in each direction -- with cyclone fencing securing the work site.

Repairs begin on S. 1st Street bridge

FOX6's Brad Hicks exposed the problem with the bridge six months ago. Corroded columns that support the bridge have been rusted away from years of road salt, and some of those columns are a fraction of their original thickness. Others have huge holes.

Brian Smith walks under the bridge every day.

"Looks in pretty bad shape to me. I hope they fix it nicely," Smith said.

Crews will excavate down to the concrete pilings that support the steel piers, drill in rebar, and then build three-foot high concrete walls to encase the corroded columns.

Canadian Pacific plans to repair S. 1st Street bridge

Canadian Pacific plans to repair S. 1st Street bridge

"It's wonderful to see it done," Clive Promhows said.

Promhows works across the street from the bridge.

Repairs begin on S. 1st Street bridge

"Nothing was being done, and it looked like it was being swept under the rug, so I'm glad you've been on this story and glad something is actually being done," Promhows said.

The fix will take six weeks. It is a major repair.

FOX6's Brad Hicks at S. 1st Street bridge as repairs began

The fact that it's being done only after FOX6 spotlighted the problem has raised questions about Canadian Pacific's transparency and just how honest the railroad company has been. The company has refused to release the results of its inspections.

"They insisted there was no need for any structural repairs, that it was in fine condition and sturdy. And then shortly thereafter announced 'we're going to repair it anyways.' I think there's a public right-to-know issue here," Senator Tammy Baldwin said.

Repairs begin on S. 1st Street bridge

Senator Baldwin has taken up that right-to-know issue on Capitol Hill. She is calling on Congress to include her provision requiring railroad companies to release their bridge inspection reports in the transportation bill it is debating.

Meanwhile, FOX6 News has learned in Watertown, where there's another bridge we've reported on, Canadian Pacific officials have promised the mayor that from this point on, it will share its reports with the city.

CLICK HERE to view Brad Hicks' award-winning "Risk on the Rails" investigations.