Committee hearing late this week on bill that would increase penalties for repeat drunk driving
MADISON — Two Republican lawmakers are trying again to increase penalties for repeat drunken driving.
Rep. Jim Ott and Sen. Alberta Darling have introduced a bill that would make a fourth offense a felony punishable by up to three years in prison. Right now a fourth offense is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.
The measure would increase the maximum prison sentence for fifth and sixth offenses from three years to five; the maximum prison sentence for seventh, eighth and ninth offenses from five years to seven-and-a-half years; and the maximum prison sentence for a tenth offense or more from seven-and-a-half years to a decade.
The Senate's judiciary committee is set to hold a hearing on the measure Thursday, January 7th.
Darling and Ott introduced a similar bill last session.