Alabama man decapitated in accident at chicken processing plant

EUFAULA, Ala. — A man was killed Tuesday afternoon, March 3 in an industrial accident at the chicken processing plant in Baker Hill, Alabama according to Barbour County Coroner Chip Chapman.

Carlos Lynn, 39, of Eufaula, worked for the company contracted to clean equipment inside the Keystone Foods plant that is owned by Tyson Foods. He died just before 5 p.m., when he was cleaning a piece of equipment called a chiller, Chapman said. The cause of death was decapitation.

The facility was formerly the Keystone Foods plant but was purchased by Tyson.

“He got caught in a pinch-point of the equipment,” the coroner said.

Lynn worked for PSSI, which cleaned plant equipment.

Calls to PSSI and the Tyson plant were not immediately returned. The plant located about 15 miles south of Eufaula.

Tyson Foods released this statement following the accident:

A Tyson spokesman said that the plant was not operating on Wednesday.