Locker, parking lot search conducted at Greendale H.S.
GREENDALE (WITI) -- Greendale High School Administration, in collaboration with the Greendale Police Department and K-9 Drug Detection Units from Cudahy, State Patrol, Glendale, Cedarburg, and Milwaukee conducted locker and parking lot searches at Greendale High School on Thursday morning, March 21st.
The high school was put on HOLD status at 9:25 a.m. and the search continued until 10 a.m. when the HOLD status was lifted.
During the search, staff and students remained in their classrooms with closed doors, teaching and learning went on as normal.
The K-9 Units identified 0 vehicles and 3 student lockers as POSSIBLE violations of our district policy forbidding illegal substances on campus. Follow-up investigations of those identified lockers by our administration found that we had 0 ACTUAL violations.