EPA says cleanup ongoing at abandoned factory in Slinger

SLINGER -- An official with the EPA told FOX6 News the cleanup effort continues at an abandoned factory in Slinger -- where barrels of toxic chemicals were found in early September.

The EPA official said liquid hazardous materials have been removed from the former site of Niphos Coatings -- a metal plating company. Now, officials are working to consolidate the solid materials for removal.

According to the EPA official, once the hazardous material removal is complete, officials will engage in decontamination of walls and floors inside the facility.

In September, the EPA documented dozens of drums labeled as copper cyanide, nickel sulfate, nitric acid and sodium cyanide -- some of which can be extremely hazardous. The chemicals were discovered when village inspectors went into the building to make sure nothing dangerous was left behind.

"Between barrels and small containers, we're somewhere around 300 or so. They vary in size from 55-gallon to small five-gallon pails. The concerns were someone could possibly get in -- one of the containers could possibly tip over and spill, and there could be an uncontrolled reaction or possibly a fire started within the building and a release of gases," one EPA official said.

An EPA official said $50,000 was set aside for the disposal project.

The EPA official told FOX6 News the chemical removal should be complete by early November -- at which time the EPA will conduct enforcement and cost-recovery activities.

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