Carroll University student walks 20 miles for water charity

WAUKESHA (WITI) -- Water is our world's most precious resource.  It is something most of us take for granted.  But for millions of people in developing countries, they unfortunately don't have access to clean water.  Now, one student from Carroll University is walking great lengths to highlight the issue.

Senior Garrett Sheskey started his Friday morning at Blair Elementary in Waukesha walking outside with more than 100 kids.  They’re carrying water jugs to simulate what it’s like to get clean water every day.

“We are going to go on this one mile walk around school.  I'm really hoping that the students get a better understanding of what people have to go through in developing countries,” said Sheskey.

He made his trek on "World Water Day" to spread awareness about the 800 people worldwide who have to go the extra mile just to get H0.

“They have to walk on average 2 to 3 miles every day,” said Sheskey.

He has chosen to walk 20 miles from Waukesha to Milwaukee in the cold temps with a 5 gallon, 40 lb. water jug to raise money for the organization Charity:Water.  It's a global effort to build clean water projects in countries like Kenya.

“People in Webuye have to do the water walk every single day and it just really hit my heart in a way that I hadn't before,” said Sheskey.

The walk takes 7 hours.  Sheskey is documenting it all online, with pictures and a map to follow his trek on the New Berlin and Hank Aaron Trails.  His final destination is Discovery World.

But along the way, he's connecting with local schools to teach the youth that clean water isn't as accessible around the world as it is here in the United States.

“They can't just run the faucet to get clean water like us.  It makes me feel really lucky,” said 5th grader Kenna Noe.

“In the future, I really hope people take from this experience and really just share,” said Sheskey.

To get more information on Sheskey's clean water walk and Charity:Water, or if you would like to donate to the cause, click here.